Snow Relocation.
Typical snow removal contractors just plow snow around and push it into piles on your property. This can be an for several reasons. So at Rasevic Snow Services, Inc. we go beyond snow plowing and provide snow relocation services to our customers. That means we can remove large snow piles from your property completely, which makes your parking lot and walkways safer by eliminating potential visibility issues. It also give you more space in your parking lot for customers or employees and reduces potential damage to landscaping.
Along with that, Snow Relocation services also prevent potential water drainage issues in spring and dangerous melting and refreezing puddles. We have the heavy equipment necessary to relocate your snow or haul it offsite to help you reduce risk on your property!
A Look at Snow Relocation.


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Contact us for more information or a free quote on snow removal services in the Mid-Atlantic region, including Washington D.C., Delaware, Virginia and Maryland.
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