Government Facility Snow Removal Services.

Reliable federal government facility snow removal services are just a click away. Rasevic Snow Services provides Mid-Atlantic snow plow services for federal, government, commercial, and industrial clients in Ijamsville, MD, Greater Washington, DC & the Baltimore areas. We have the equipment and personnel to handle large projects quickly and efficiently.
Our extensive experience with government facilities and large-scale snow removal means that we bring the professionalism and dependability that federal and local government facilities require. We are eligible for all federal contract work.
Rasevic Federal Services, LLC currently works at the U.S. Capitol, the U.S. Senate Office Buildings, the U.S. Supreme Court, and the U.S. Botanic Gardens. We have the resources and experience to provide snow removal and landscaping services at any government property.
Federal Government Facility Contractor
Rasevic Federal Services work smoothly with all government agencies and facilities - whether they our nation's largest federal facilities or a local municipality in Washington D.C., Maryland or Virginia. We are experienced and setup for:
- Pre-award bidding processes, documents and certifications
- Background checks and application systems for worker credentials
- Special site circumstances like work stand down during VIP visits and rapid work acceleration for changed site needs
- Formal Safety Programs
- Customer required reporting like during work comms, post action logs, and weather certificates
Remember, for all federal government facility Snow Removal in Maryland and the Washington D.C. area, your best solution is found in Rasevic Snow Removal Services. We provide snow plowing, snow removal, and ice management services for all sizes of properties. This includes roadways, parking areas, sidewalks, and service areas.

Choose a Snow Removal Service.
"Rasevic Snow Services keeps 136 sites clear for its 53 clients. It employs a pretty scientific operation, with its own customized software system to direct all hands on deck for big operations."Thomas Heath, The Washington Post
Rasevic Offers:
Centralized locations with 24/7 operations staff
Reliable, state-of-the-art equipment
Certified, route-dedicated professionals
Rapid and efficient response time
Snow Action Plan per site
Outstanding references
Snow Services Include:


Get a Free Estimate.
Contact us for more information or a free quote on commercial snow removal services in the Mid-Atlantic region, including Washington D.C., Delaware, Virginia and Maryland.